Our Commitment to Democracy

This past year called upon us to think beyond our geographic boundaries and economic barriers to unite against a pandemic that is impacting each and everyone. Communities, rural and urban, responded to ensure that individuals and families had access to the basic necessities of life. Even as many of those needs still go unmet we know that our communities will continue coming together to fight this pandemic. 

As our country ushers in a new President and administration this week, we believe that it is important for us to continue coming together to respond to the needs of our neighbors, and that together we will build a democracy without barriers.

Community Farm Alliance works to organize and encourage cooperation among rural and urban citizens. We see democracy as a vital piece in ensuring an essential, prosperous place for family-scale agriculture in our economies and communities. Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity to stand with democracy and uplift our voices–as Kentuckians, as farmers, as eaters, as humans–and enact change in Kentucky.

Approved by CFA’s Executive Committee January 24, 2021